NexPCB Blog: ee (3)

7 Mistakes Contract Manufacturers Make During the NPI Process

Most of the time, hardware startups are faced with the challenge of New Product Introduction (NPI)...

PCB Surface Finish Types Explained: HASL, OSP, ENIG, Immersion and More

Not all PCBs are manufactured the same way. Due to the processes that involve different chemicals,...

Voids In Solder Joaints

Voids in solder joints are a significant problem facing industrial products, especially in power...

SMT Passive Parts (Reference Article)

If you're looking for a handy reference for SMT parts, this may be a great place to start. We have...

System In Package Technology

A System In a Package (SIP) is a functional package that integrates multiple functional chips,...

Static electricity

If you've ever handled any type of pre-consumer electronics, you've probably seen labels warning...

What is a gerber file and how to get one?

Gerber files are the most common and most widely used file formats in the electronics assembly...

The Guide to SMT Material Package Type: Chip Capacitor

Capacitors are usually indicated by symbols such as C, CN, EC, TC, PC, BC with numbers appended to...

The Guide to SMT Material Packaging: Chip Resistor

The obstructive effect of an object on the passage of electric current is called resistance....

How to use SMT Red Glue

SMT red glue is certain type of temperature-set adhesive that is used during the SMT process to fix...

Basics of the SMT Reflow Soldering Temperature Plate

Reflow soldering is the most common method used by SMT to bond electronic components to printed...

The Guide to SMT material package type: Standard Parts

SMT involves a wide variety of parts and styles, many of which have formed become industry-wide...

The Basics of DIP Wave Soldering

With the mass production of electronic products, the method of manual welding is no longer...

What is A SMT Solder Paste Injection System ?

A Solder Paste Inspection system, also known as SPI, is a solder paste detection system. The main...

How to deal with insufficient solder and excess solder in PCBA

In the process of the PCBA production, there are several common problems may occur including tin...